Minggu, 21 April 2013

Daily Exercise for Elementary School Part 1

NAME : ____________________
DATE   : ____________________

Daily Exercise
Class I, II, and III

I.      Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.

1.    What is this? This is....
a.      A window
b.     Windows
c.      Mice
d.     An fish
2.    What is...? That is an apple.
a.   This
b.   These
c.    That
d.   Those
3.    What are these? ....are some children.
a.   This                  
b.   These              
c.    That
d.   Those
4.    What ... those? Those are my parents.
a.   Is                      
b.   Am                  
c.    Are
d.   Was
5.    I am very thirsty. I want to....
a.   Eat
b.   Drink
c.    Sleep
d.   Go
6.    “Beverage” means....
a.   Minuman
b.   Pesan
c.    Makanan
d.   Menu
7.    “Es Teh” in English is....
a.   Hot Tea
b.   Iced Tea
c.    Cool Tea
d.   Milk Tea
8.  We walk by using our....
a.   Foot
b.   Hand
c.    Body
d.   Brain
9. 5 + 6 =....
a.   Nine              
b.   Ten                
c.    Eleven
d.   Twelve
10.  U-i-c-e-j = ....
a.        Ice ju
b.        Juice
c.         Ice Uj
d.        Juices

II.    Write the answers correctly.
1.    Mention 5 wild animals you know.

2.    Mention 5 things in the class room.


3.  Translate into English.

a.     Tinggi               = ________________________
b.     Pendek            = ________________________
c.     Kecil                = ________________________
d.     Besar               = ________________________
e.     Panjang           = ________________________  

4.  Mention 10 colors you know.